English Language Center Guidelines for the Establishment of Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee


中華民國 110 年 9 月 8 日英語教學中心教師會議修正通過
中華民國 110 年 11 月 3 日教育暨應用語文學院教評會議修正通過
Passed at the School of Applied Languages Hiring and Promotion Committee Meeting on April 14, 2006
Revised and Passed at the School of Applied Languages Hiring and Promotion Committee Meeting on July 29, 2009
Revised and Passed at the School of Education and Applied Languages Affairs Committee Meeting on July 29, 2014
Revised and Passed at the School of Education and Applied Languages Hiring and Promotion Committee Meeting on September 25, 2017
Revised and Passed at the English Language Center Faculty Meeting on September 08, 2021
Revised and Passed at the School of Education and Applied Languages Hiring and Promotion Committee Meeting on November 3, 2021



Article 1  The English Language Center Guidelines for the Establishment of Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee (herein referred to as the Committee) were established in accordance with Article 9 of the Ming Chuan University Faculty Hiring  and Promotion Committee Charter and other relevant regulations.


(一) 訂定或修正英語教學中心(以下簡稱本中心)教師評審委員會設置要點。
(二) 專(兼)任教師之聘任、升等、解聘、停聘、不續聘、資遣等事項之初審。
(三) 教師赴國內外機構教學、進修及研究申請案之初審。
(四) 教師申請延長服務之審議。
(五) 教師申請休假研究案之審議。
(六) 教師違反本校聘約、有教師法第四章解聘、不續聘、停聘及資遣等相關條文情形或其他不當言行破壞校園安寧、和諧環境事項之審議。
(七) 其他教師有關事項之審議。

Article 2  The responsibilities of the English Language Center Hiring and Promotion Committee are as follows:

1. To establish or amend the English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee Procedures.
2. To review and discuss issues concerning hiring, promotion, termination of contract, suspension of contract, non-renewal of contract, and discharge of full-time (part-time) faculty members.
3. To review and discuss applications for instructors who wish to lecture, conduct research, or pursue further studies at other academic institutions both domestically and abroad.
4. To review and discuss applications by faculty members for extension of service.
5. To review and discuss applications for sabbatical leave.
6. To review and discuss any cases that have violated MCU employment contract, Teacher’s Act Chapter 4: Dismissal, Non-renewal of Appointment, Suspension, Severance and other relevant provisions or any inappropriate behaviors and actions that disrupt the peaceful and harmonious campus environment.
7. To review and discuss other related issues in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

三、 本會由委員五人組成,除中心主任為當然委員並兼召集人外,行政組組長為執行秘書,另由本中心專任助理教授以上教師推選委員候選人六人,報請院長遴選之。

Article 3  The English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee consists of 5 committee members and the Director of the Center is the convener.  This includes ex-officio members such as the Director of English Language Center and three professorial representatives nominated from among full-time Professors or above and approved by the president. The Chief of Admin Section is the general secretary.  However, more than two thirds of the total number of Committee members must be full-time Professors.  Should a vacancy be impossible to fill with a Professor, Associate Professors of the university or from other institutions with relevant expertise can be nominated to participate in the Committee.

四、 本會委員任期一學年,連選得連任,均為無給職。

Article 4  Terms of the English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee members are one academic year and members are not paid.  The Committee members may be re-nominated for reappointment when their terms expire.

五、 本會委員於任期內因職務變動或其他原因無法繼續擔任本會委員時,視為自然辭職,其缺額由職務接替人遞補或由本中心另行補選之,繼任至原任期屆滿時為止。

Article 5  Should a English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee member find himself or herself unable to continue his or her appointment during the term due to career changes or other reasons, he or she is automatically considered to have resigned.  The vacancy can be filled by his or her replacement or through nomination procedure and approval by the president; the successor will be appointed for the duration of the term.

六、 本會每學期召開一次會議為原則,必要時得召開臨時會議。

Article 6  The English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee is convened once every semester in principle.  A provisional meeting may be held when the need arises.

七、 本會之決議,除教師解聘、不續聘、停聘及資遣案之出席委員人數及決議通過門檻,應依教師法相關規定外,其他事項決議應有全體委員二分之一以上(含)出席,出席委員二分之一以上(含)同意為之。

Article 7  The resolutions of the English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee, except for cases involving the dismissal, non-renewal, suspension, and severance of faculty members, which require the number of attending committee members and the approval threshold to comply with the relevant provisions of the Teacher’s Act, should be decided with the attendance of at least half (inclusive) of all committee members, and the agreement of at least half (inclusive) of the attending members.  Resolutions of the English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee must be produced as minutes and submitted with faculty member’s personal information to the University Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee for approval.  Should the situation warrant it, the convener may invite persons who have some knowledge of the matter at hand to attend the meeting or to make a report.  When the English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee is convened, Committee members must be present in person, and may not designate a proxy to attend the meeting.  Any Committee member who is absent from three meetings will be removed from membership.

八、 本會委員討論與其本人有利害關係之案件時,應行迴避。
Article 8  The English Language Center Faculty Hiring and Promotion Committee members should avoid attending sessions in which issues at hand may lead to a conflict of interest, or involve a conflict of interest for himself or herself.  Committee members cannot review cases for faculty members whose positions are of higher rank than their own.  In cases where there are insufficient Committee members, the Dean of the School may ask the president to appoint on- or off-campus experts to be on the Committee.

九、 本要點未規定事項,悉依本校相關辦法辦理。
Article 9  Matters not covered in these procedures will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant university procedures.

十、 本要點,經中心會議與院教師評審委員會通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。
Article 10  Upon being passed at the Center Affairs Committee Meeting, School Affairs Committee Meeting and approved by the president, these procedures were announced and implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.

**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail.**