English Language Center Guidelines for the Establishment of Center Affairs Committee



Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on November 11, 2019

第一條 銘傳大學英語教學中心(以下簡稱本中心)為促進教學與研究發展、規劃、議決及推動本中心各項重要事務,設立中心務會議(以下簡稱本會議),並依據本校組織規程第四十四條規定訂定本章則。

Article 1  These procedures were established in accordance with Article 44 of Ming Chuan University Organizational Code.  The English Language Center Affairs Committee (herein referred to as the Committee) was established to promote the teaching and research and the development of the center.


第二條 本會議研議中心教師教學、研究、服務等相關之各項提案及事宜,並得對於本中心教師涉及本校聘任及服務規則所訂有關事項進行審議。

Article 2   The responsibilities of the Center Affairs Committee include reviewing proposals and other matters concerning faculty members’ teaching, research and service, and reviewing and discussing issues in accordance with Ming Chuan University Faculty Employment and Service Regulations.


第三條 本會議由本中心主任、教學及行政組組長及全體專任(案)教師組成,並由中心主任為會議當然主席。本中心主任不克擔任主席時得指定教師一人代理其主持會議,未指定時由出席人員共推一人為臨時會議主席。

Article 3  The Center Affairs Committee consists of the Director of the Center, Chief of the Teaching Section, Chief of the Admin Section, and full-time faculty members.  When the Director of the Center can’t serve as the chairperson, he/she may appoint a teacher on behalf of himself/herself or if it is not specified, the attendees may recommend one candidate as the chairperson of the interim meeting.


第四條 本中心主任得視事實需要邀請兼任教師或有關人員列席本會議。本中心專任教師留職留薪或留職停薪進修或請假而未在本校授課、或休假、或出國達三個月以上、或借調校外單位期間得列席本會議。

Article 4  The Director of the Center should invite part-time faculty members and any other related persons to attend the meeting accordingly.  Full-time faculty members with paid, unpaid, tenure and any other leaves, who have not taught in the university or are abroad for 3 or more months, or who are temporarily transferred to other units off campus must also attend the meeting.


第五條 本會議應有本中心教師二分之一以上出席,方得開議,決議時須有出席教師二分之一以上之同意方為通過。出席人數不足時,應擇期再召集之。教師應親自出席會議,不得委託他人代理。

Article 5  Center Affairs meeting should be attended by more than one-half of the faculty members.  Resolutions must require approval by more than one-half the total members present.  The meetings shall be convened at an optional time if the number of attendees is insufficient (less than half of the total faculty members) and may not entrust others to represent.


第六條 本會議以每兩個月召開一次為原則,本中心主任於必要時得召開臨時會議。

Article 6  The Center Affairs Committee Meeting is convened once every two months by the Director of the Center in principle.  Provisional meetings may be held when the need arises.


第七條 本章則未盡事宜悉依本校、應用語文學院及本中心有關規定辦理。

Article 7  Matters not covered in these procedures must be dealt with in accordance with the other related rules of the University, the School of Education and Applied Languages and the Center.


第八條 本章則經行政會議通過,呈報校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。

Article 8  Upon being passed at Administrative Council Meeting and approved by the president, these procedures were implemented.  Any revision must follow the same procedure.


**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail.**